
October 14, 2018 5:33pm Exercise: Walking/Jogging, push ups, plank, stretching, a 100 yard sprint, breathing for life Description: Started out with the warm ups which included the plank, push ups, stretching, then the 100 yard sprint. Then started out walking and jogging down the road through the neighborhood. At one point I was running, but more about that in the summary. Duration: 1 mile in 16:09 minutes. The pre-workout was about 30 minutes since I did the sprint twice. Distance: Exactly 1 mile Snapshot of my cardio workout: I forgot to stop the timer, so please don't mind the perfectly straight diagonal line. This is my sprint: Summary: This has been my first workout in a few years. Holding a plank was difficult, push-ups even harder, the stretching was easier, but I'm certainly not as limber as I used to be. Even though I am on my feet and take many steps throughout the day because of my job, working out is different. I will admit I am completely ou